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Water Supply With Hungarian Support In Baghlan

Szöveg: Levente Palotás |  2009. november 29. 14:12

One of the most significant projects of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HDF PRT) has entered its final phase. It was the fourth rotation of the HDF PRT that launched a medium term project in Pol-e-Khomri, the provincial capital of Baghlan, to find a solution for the water supply of one of the districts of the town. 

In Afghanistan, the issue of water supply for the population is still unresolved in most places. Unfortunately, the central administration does not have enough resources to find a remedy for this problem in the foreseeable future. Thus there is a great need for the kind of support that is provided by the HDF PRT as well in this field. Due to the general lack of clean drinking water, the inhabitants of the district called Radar Hill did not have access to proper quality and quantity of water in earlier years either. Therefore more than a year ago, the Reconstruction Team has taken the first steps to help find a solution for the water supply problems of Radar Hill, that has a relatively small basic area but a high population density.

So far several wells, pipeline networks supplying the households, and a cistern have been built with the support of the HDF PRT. Now the foundation stone of the last well and pump facility was laid, which will make water fully available in the area. Colonel László Szabó, Commander of the HDF PRT laid the foundation stone, symbolising the start of the works, together with the local leaders. According to the plans the construction will be completed within three months. With this project, the Hungarian contingent will provide drinking water, which is essential to life, for approximately 2,000 people in total.

