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46th CISM World Military Modern Pentathlon Championship Opened in Budapest

Szöveg: Péter Snoj |  2018. szeptember 24. 19:40

46th CISM World Military Modern Pentathlon Championship was ceremoniously opened on Monday, 24th September in Budapest. At the arrangement held in the Sports Hall of the Zrínyi Miklós Barracks and University Campus, Brigadier General Mr. Attila Takács, the Commander of the HDF Military Augmentation, Preparation and Training Command welcomed the participants.

The fundamental aim of the International Military Sports Council (Conseil International Du Sport Militaire – CISM) is to promote sport activities between the armed forces of the Member States as a means to foster world peace. The organisation’s motto also symbolises this: “Friendship through Sports". The first international sporting events established in 1919 were interrupted by the Second World War, and the next competition of the warring Allied States was staged in 1946, in Berlin, but the tradition – owing to political differences – did not continue after that, the then sports association disbanded. The emerging lack was made up by the foundation of the International Military Sports Council (CISM) in 1948, with the participation of Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxemburg and the Netherlands. During the existence of the since then continually operating organisation, it was the first time in 2004 that Hungary organised a world military modern pentathlon championship, then in 2017 a world military cross country championship.

The now launched modern pentathlon competition is the second international military world championship this year hosted by Hungary, as a world military parachuting championship has already been successfully organised by the Hungarian Defence Forces in August, in Szolnok. At the opening ceremony of the 46th World Military Modern Pentathlon Championship, Brigadier General Mr. Attila Takács, the Chairman of the Competition’s Organising Committee welcomed the participants. In his speech, he recalled the Székesfehérvár games of fourteen years ago, and added that it is a great privilege for our country and for the Hungarian Defence Forces, that Hungary can host again the international competition. Mr. Attila Takács highlighted that this year can boast with more round anniversaries: while CISM celebrates the 70th jubilee of its operation in 2018, we also commemorate the one hundred and seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the Hungarian Defence Forces this year. The Head of the HDF Military Augmentation, Preparation and Training Command underlined that it is a great pleasure for him that the soldier-athletes of our Motherland can celebrate these special anniversaries together with their fellow-competitors from abroad.

On behalf of the International Military Sports Council Lieutenant Colonel Mr. Rafael Soares Pinheiro da Cunha expressed his thanks to the Hungarian organisers for giving the venue and the opportunity for the 46th World Military Modern Pentathlon Championship. He noted that the world championship is an excellent occasion for the celebration of the common, round anniversaries of the foundation of both the Hungarian Defence Forces and the Sports Council. He emphasised that today it can be safely stated that 70 years after the establishment of CISM, the objectives set at the beginning have been achieved. The competitions organised by the Council have become fully-fledged by now, and are ranking among the best organised military sports events of the world. Closing his speech, he wished every success and a competition filled with wonderful memories to all the participants. At the world championship lasting for five days the teams of almost twenty nations compete with each other on the grounds of the Budapest Honvéd Sports Association.

Although the rules of the military modern pentathlon are completely the same as those of the civilian contests, in this world championship exclusively active soldiers can participate in the events including swimming, fencing, riding and shooting combined with running.

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