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Handover-Takeover in Kosovo

Szöveg: Captain Piroska Kozák |  2018. szeptember 23. 6:52

After half a year, a change took place again at the personnel of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion. KFOR Commander Major General Salvatore Cuoci attended the handover-takeover ceremony of the 18th and 19th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent.

In his festive address, delivered during the ceremony held in Camp Novo Selo, the 22nd September, the Commander of KFOR fully recognised the joint work with the 18th rotation, and expressed his special gratitude to Lieutenant Colonel Sándor Horváth, the Commander of the outgoing contingent, for the excellent co-operation that characterised the recent months. Major General Cuoci said: “Köszönöm!" in Hungarian language to the entire personnel of the contingent, as the noblest expression of respect. In what follows, he presented the unit colours of the contingent to Lieutenant Colonel Bálint Legoza, the Commander of the 19th Rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-19 HUNCON).

The commanders of both contingents gave speeches during the event. Lieutenant Colonel Horváth thanked his personnel for the work accomplished, and wished a successful mission to the contingent taking over the responsibilities.

In his response, Lieutenant Colonel Legoza also expressed his appreciation to the soldiers of the previous rotation, who handed over the operational and the operations supporting professional tasks assigned to the battalion in a very correct and well prepared way. Then speaking to the Commander of KFOR and his own personnel, he noted that as far as the future is concerned, the Hungarian contingent will continue service in the Balkan theatre to their best knowledge and ability, in a disciplined way.

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