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The Hungarian Peacekeeping Soldiers Helped a Woman Giving Birth in Kosovo

Szöveg: |  2018. augusztus 9. 7:09

The Hungarian Peacekeeping Soldiers helped a woman in labour to get to the hospital on August 6 in Kosovo.

The soldiers of the 18th Rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-14 HUNCON) were patrolling the area of Obilic-Glogovac, when they became aware of a car that turned halfway across the road. The servicemen of the personnel of the first company of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) arriving at the vehicle saw that one of the passengers, a pregnant woman has gone into labour.

The Hungarian peacekeepers immediately drove the woman to the nearby hospital. Meanwhile the lady was attended – according to the situation and their qualification – by the two combat life saver soldiers serving in the squad. In the hospital they at once rushed for a doctor and took the lady in their arms into the hospital ward. It is thanks to the uniformed that the lady could get to the hospital on time, where she gave birth to a healthy baby.

Lieutenant Colonel Sándor Horváth, the Contingent Commander expressed his thanks and appreciation to the soldiers of the squad for their exemplary gallantry.


Photo by HDF KFOR Contingent