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The Hungarian Soldiers Once Again Helped at a Road Accident

Szöveg: Lieutenant Gábor Horváth |  2018. augusztus 1. 7:48

The KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion’s (KTRBN) soldiers once again helped at a road accident.

At 2 pm in the afternoon, July 28, 2018, the soldiers of the 18th Rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-18 HUNCON) were patrolling the area around Mitrovica, Kosovo, when they noticed a smaller crowd gathering near the road, where the locals supported an injured person. As it turned out, a motor car collided with a motorbike.

Following the assessment of the situation, PFC Arnold Jakab (combat life-saver) – at the order of the Commander of the Patrol Sergeant Major Kornél Pintér –, at once began to treat the bleeding, injured rider, while the rest of the patrolling soldiers secured the scene of the accident, and assisted with the management of the road traffic. After stabilising the condition of the injured person, the local ambulance arrived, and the conscious patient was handed over to them.

Lieutenant Colonel Sándor Horváth, the Commander of the HDF KFOR Contingent expressed his appreciation for their outstanding gallantry, and emphasised that with their exemplary conduct they have further enhanced the recognition of Hungary, the Hungarian Defence Forces and the KFOR amongst the local population.