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The Hungarian Soldiers Were Also Involved in the Sarajevo Diplomatic Winter Bazaar

Szöveg: |  2018. december 6. 12:02

The traditional charity bazaar is again staged in Sarajevo, this year, on 1st December, which is supported by the embassies accredited to Sarajevo and the local vendors.

The goal of the event is to spend the proceeds coming from the sale of the national products exhibited and offered for purchase, primarily for the curing of sick children. In this year’s Bazaar 28 nations presented and offered for sale and consumption their country-specific objects, food and drink.


This year the Hungarian peacekeeping soldiers serving is Sarajevo also contributed to the charity initiative, as from the offer of the Hungarian Embassy, the EUFOR and the NATO Operational Headquarters the team consisting of Lt.-Col. Sándor Kaszanyi, Volunteer Operational Reservist Major Attila Horváth and Senior Warrant Officer István Fekete prepared 100 servings of beef stew using original Hungarian spices.


The soldiers contributed to the donation offered by the Hungarian Embassy with the proceeds from the offered stews.


Photos of the HDF EUFOR Contingent