They Set the Bar High
Szöveg: Lt. Gábor Horváth | 2018. június 9. 7:09The 18th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-18 HUNCON) has already been about halfway through their period of service in Kosovo. The Hungarian soldiers stationing in Camp Novo Selo have performed serious assignments in the past three months. The second or BRAVO Manoeuvre Company is counted as special: they have performed duties, only very few had the opportunity to perform until now.
Another excellent example is the participation in the exercise Western Blizzard organised recently, when the entire personnel of the company relocated to the allied camp for a week, and they had to execute assignments in such a structure, which they had not practiced yet.
“The performance in an international environment actually shows, how successful the cohesion of the company had been."- we learned from First Lieutenant Zoltán Cserti-Csapó, the Commander of the Company. “The mission and structure of the subunit is built upon an infantry company, but there are gunners, tankmen, and logistic troops as well in addition to the shooters. Still, we managed to develop such an efficient company from the personnel, that after the successful task-execution the feedback of the foreign soldiers is exclusively positive, showing that they really perform each assignment on a high standard."
With the night CRC, the troops of the second company set the bar very high, and thereby the recognition of the KTRBN (KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion) was further enhanced in the circle of the entire KFOR mission.
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