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Illustrated Military History of Hungary

2013. április 18. 8:38

A book, which presents Hungary’s military history in a readable style, meeting the scientific standards at the same time. A military chronicle, which introduces the reader to the key facts and connections involved in the military aspect of Hungarian history, the integration of the country into Western culture and the features of Hungarian military affairs that harmonise with or differ from the main developments in European military affairs. A beautifully designed album, which includes more than 120 spectacular and special illustrations and more than 30 detailed campaign maps.

Year of publish: 2012
Language: Hungaraian
Number of pages: 272 with more than 100 colour pictures
Size: 197×255 mm
Binding: sewn, hardcover
ISBN: ISBN 978 963 327 561 0
Price: 25 USD + delivery fee
Stock: You can buy the book directly from the publisher: Postal address: 1087 Hungary, Budapest, Kerepesi út 29/b, Fax: 06-1-459-5382, Points of contact: Edina Győr: +36-30-578-1048, [email protected]; Cynthia Bartha: +36-30-633-0619, [email protected]