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Statement by acting NATO spokesperson on the situation in eastern Ukraine

2015. augusztus 23. 8:32

On 19 Aug. 2015 NATO Allies discussed the situation in eastern Ukraine. Allies expressed their serious concern about the recent sharp escalation of violence.


Spain Prepares for Exercise Trident Juncture 2015

2015. augusztus 22. 10:21

Soldiers working 14 hour days, gusty winds and scorching sun… this is only a fraction of what is happening now in Zaragoza, Spain. Foreseen to be the hub of a Joint Task Force Headquarters manned by JFC Brunssum personnel, a tent city is rising from the ground in an extremely ambitious time schedule and equally demanding weather conditions.


NATO’s history, told through posters

2015. augusztus 21. 10:24

Posters reflecting the spirit of NATO in the past have been published on the NATO website for the first time. This unique artwork collection includes posters created in-house and items donated to NATO by various organisations and private individuals. Gathered together in the History section of the NATO website, the five new galleries are titled ‘Paix et Liberté’, ‘How NATO Works’, ‘Uniforms’, ‘Anniversary’ and ‘Afghanistan’.


Statement by NATO Deputy Spokesperson Carmen Romero on NATO military exercises

2015. augusztus 20. 10:19

NATO military exercises are intended to enhance security and stability in Europe. All NATO military activities are proportionate, defensive, and fully in line with our international commitments.


Czech Air Force Gripens conduct NATO air surveillance mission over Iceland

2015. augusztus 18. 12:16

Four Czech Air Force JAS-39 Gripen aircraft are currently conducting air patrols and training in the skies above Iceland under the Alliance’s air surveillance mission for the Nordic NATO Ally. The fighter jets and 70 personnel took up their duties at the end of July. Their task is to provide “airborne surveillance and interception capabilities to meet Iceland’s peacetime preparedness needs.” The Czech Air Force will conduct the mission through 29 August 2015.


Secretary General announces North Atlantic Council to meet following Turkey’s request for Article 4 consultations

2015. július 28. 9:00

The North Atlantic Council, which includes the ambassadors of all 28 NATO Allies, will meet on Tuesday 28 July, following a request by Turkey to hold consultations under article 4 of NATO’s founding Washington Treaty.


NATO welcomes activation of new Air Command and Control System

2015. július 13. 8:24

On Friday (3 July 2015), NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment Patrick Auroy welcomed the activation of NATO’s new Air Command and Control System (ACCS). Italy recently decided to declare the first ACCS site operational, with other NATO and national sites to follow in 2015 and subsequent years.


NATO Standing Naval Forces arrive in Scotland for Exercise Joint Warrior

2015. április 14. 16:00

SCOTLAND – Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) and Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Groups ONE and TWO (SNMCMG1, SNMCMG2) ships arrived in Scotland the past two days for a port visit and to prepare for the UK-led Exercise JOINT WARRIOR 15-1.


NATO’s new spearhead force conducts first exercise

2015. április 12. 9:30

NATO completed the first military drills for its new rapid reaction force, on Thursday (9 April 2015).


Secretary General: NATO and the EU can achieve more if we work more closely together

2015. április 2. 12:30

The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday (30 March 2015) that he is “a strong supporter of closer cooperation between the European Union and NATO” and that more can be achieved “if we work more closely together.” He was addressing the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and Sub-Committee on Security and Defence in Brussels.