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Continuous Presence is Needed

2011. június 9. 10:58

The Force Protection (FP) company is the strongest unit of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) in Afghanistan. The personnel of the company have a complex task scheme…


NATO Conference in Budapest

2011. június 3. 9:48

Air delegates from some 40 countries and subject matter experts (SMEs) from the NATO member states as well as the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and the Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) countries arrived in Budapest to participate in the conference of the NATO Air Traffic Management Committee (NATMC), a body directly subordinated to the North Atlantic Council.


Hungarian Presidency Hosts 5th EUMS Deployability Conference

2011. április 15. 14:40

On 12-13 April 2011 the International EUMS Deployability Conference took place in the MoD Military History Institute and Museum, Budapest, Hungary. This was the fifth EUMS Deployability Conference, after the ones held in Helsinki (Nov 06), Lisbon (Nov 07), Prague (Mar 09) and Seville (Mar 10). At this conference we had more than fifty participants from several multinational organizations and agencies as well as national representatives.


1456, 1956 – 555 Years, 55 Years

2011. április 12. 17:17

1456-ban – fél évezrede a kontinens szerves részeként – hazánk a kereszténység pajzsaként hősiesen védte meg Nándorfehérvárnál Európát a szultán hatalmas seregével szemben, valószínűtlen győzelmet aratva. E győzelem óta a keresztény világban Magyarországért szólnak a harangok minden délben, nemzeti hőseinkre emlékeztetve. Ötszáz évvel Nándorfehérvár ostroma után, 1956 őszén a magyarok egy elnyomó és brutális kommunista rezsim ellen fogtak fegyvert. A „pesti srácok” a végső győzelem esélye nélkül vették fel a harcot Budapest utcáin a forradalom eltiprására érkező szovjet csapatokkal. 555 éve több nemzet fiai páratlan példamutatással fogtak össze Európa védelméért, 55 éve azonban Európa cserben hagyta vérző testű gyermekét. E könyvben Nándorfehérvárra és a déli harangszóra, a magyar Szent Koronára, valamint Budapestre és a szabadság vérbe fojtott, de elfojthatatlan szavára emlékezünk Bartoniek Emma történész, Pálosfalvi Tamás és Horváth Miklós hadtörténészek műveivel. A könyv színes képekkel gazdagon illusztrált, és Nándorfehérvártól a Corvin közig címen magyar nyelven is megjelent.


1456, 1956 – 555 Years, 55 Years

2011. április 12. 17:17

Already an integral “piece of the continent” for half a thousand years, in 1456 our country as the “shield of Christianity” heroically defended Europe against the sultan’s huge army at the castle of Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade), winning a breathtaking victory. Since that victory, throughout the Christian world the bells toll for Hungary at noon every day, commemorating the heroes of our nation. 500 years after the siege of Nándorfehérvár, in the autumn of 1956, Hungarians took up arms against an oppressive and brutal communist regime. This time the „lads of Pest” engaged the invading Soviet troops sent to crush the revolution on the streets of Budapest without having the chance for a final victory. 555 years ago the sons of many nations joined forces with an exemplary attitude for the defence of Europe, but 55 years ago Europe abandoned its bleeding child. In this book we pay tribute to the memory of Nándorfehérvár and the noon bell, the Hungarian Holy Crown, as well as Budapest, and the insuppressible word of freedom, even if suppressed with bloodshed – through the works of historian Emma Bartoniek and war historians Tamás Pálosfalvi and Miklós Horváth. The book is richly illustrated with colour photographs, and has already been published in Hungarian language, entitled Nándorfehérvártól a Corvin közig.


1956 in the History of the 20th Century (2.)

2011. április 6. 14:40

If we go beyond this overall impression, however, we come up against some more complex factors. In the very short period of 1956 when freedom of speech was unchallenged, the public political discourse and mass communication was still partly under the control of the former Communist Party opposition. It was the Party opposition which possessed, in Imre Nagy, the country’s best-known politician. This may have been another reason why the demands which reached the public were so unanimous. The non-communist figures in political life had just – suddenly – been freed from long years of suppression, and quite a few of them after long periods in prison.


1956 in the History of the 20th Century (1.)

2011. április 6. 14:17

According to the calendar, 1956 fell at about the half-way point of the twentieth century. It also occupies the middle position of any construction of the last century as a historical era. The “short twentieth century” started with the First World War in 1914-18 and ended with the break-up of the Soviet empire in 1989-91. If this historical period is defined precisely as 1917–1991, then 1956 falls exactly half way. This periodisation inevitably suggests a definition of the (short) 20th century as the period when the radical world-changing ideology of Marxism-Leninism was implemented in the Soviet-model experiment.


The Hungarian Revolution of 1956

2011. április 6. 12:44

John Sadovy, photographer for the American magazine Life, who recorded the violence and fear in Budapest in 1956: “Then my nerves went. Tears started to come down my cheeks. I had spent three years in the war, but nothing I saw then could compare with the horror of this.”This year we celebrate the 55th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Our website will feature several articles in praise of the Hungarian War of Independence – which was also of significance to world politics – and we are going to publish an English-language book that gives special focus to 1956 (1456–1956 – 555 Years, 55 Years – From the Noon Bell to the Lads of Pest – forthcoming at the end of April).


Zrínyi Media Digital Library – A New Forum for Media and Book Publishing in Hungary

2011. január 26. 15:45

The Zrínyi Media Digital Library will go online in the coming days. We asked Lajos Gubcsi, PhD, the managing director of Zrínyi Media to give us a brief update.


On mission

2011. január 13. 11:57

Afghanistan is a landlocked and mountainous country in Central Asia stricken with poverty and chronic instability. The newly released film of the Zrínyi Média Military Film Studio introduces the activities of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ ISAF contingent that is deployed at several bases in the northern region of the country, among others being tasked with contributing to development projects and mentoring the Afghan National Army.