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József Kecskeméti


The New American President May Bring Global Détente

2008. november 9. 11:12

Barack Obama will break with the unilateral policy represented by George Bush – shared his opinion with security policy expert György Nógrádi, according to whom the Jewish and Islamic roots of the new American president can help him in being successful in the fight against international terrorism.


Hungarian Military Aviation Started In The 1910s Already

2008. szeptember 16. 8:22

Even though the Hungarian air force celebrates its 70th birthday this year, a lot of Hungarian pilots were serving in the Austrian ’airborne’ troops established in the Monarchy in the 1910s.


Hundreds Of Thousands Kept Their Fingers Crossed For Péter Besenyei

2008. szeptember 2. 7:43

The best known aerobatics pilot of Hungary, Péter Besenyei came in fifth at the Red Bull Air Race in Budapest. The winner of the event that is titled a world championship series for the first time this year, was the youngest pilot of the series, Hannes Arch, who tied in first place. Besides the race, the crowd was the most interested in the L-39 Albatroses flying in formation.


From Human Faeces To LSD

2008. július 27. 10:09

It was not only the development of medicine that contributed to the spread of biological weapons. There is a note dating from as early as 1346, that upon the siege of Kaffa, corpses infected with plague were flung behind the walls of the castle. A major advantage of biological weapons is that considering all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, the production of biological weapons is the cheapest and they are the most difficult to detect, and the chances of prevention and cure are limited.


Black Hawk Down in Hajdúhadház

2008. május 22. 5:51

There is an ethnical unrest in the town of Pec, the western part of Kosovo. One of the troops of the Hungarian KFOR corps, which have come to settle the unrest, is wounded. An MI8 helicopter came to help and rescue the person in trouble, and in the meantime the troops have commenced their crowd dispersal tasks. The operation lasted for a mere 3 minutes – not in a real life situation, but at the complex peacekeeping exercise of Hungarian soldiers preparing for their deployment in the focal point of the crisis. was there to monitor the exercise.


‘Do Good And Tell About It’

2008. május 19. 6:13

Friday evening made me recall the line ’candlelights make a celebration nice’ even if there isn’t a cake large enough for 160 party candles, which is exactly how old the Hungarian Defence Forces are. Defence Minister Dr. Imre Szekeres gave a gala evening and a reception in honour of the ’celebrated one’ in the Budapest Congress Centre. They haven’t forgotten about the present, either. But we’ll come back to that later.


’Oh, How Great It Is in the Arbour!’

2008. május 15. 6:30

Should there be anybody who doesn’t have plans for Sunday the 18th, all he has to do is to think of the Hungarian Defence Forces, since the Day of Hungarian Defence will be organized again in Városliget (the city park). In addition to technical demonstrations, whole day cultural and children’s programmes await all those interested. The fact that the Hungarian Defence Forces celebrate their 160th birthday this year makes the event especially timely.