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László Szűcs - 14. oldal


“The Last Period Was About The Renewal Of The Defence Forces”

2010. február 11. 6:00

The annual assessment and tasking meeting of the Hungarian Defence Forces was held on Tuesday in Szolnok. At the event Defence Minister Dr. Imre Szekeres evaluated the tasks carried out in the last four years. The troops held spectacular demonstrations for the attendees of the meeting.   


The MoD Chief of Defence Staff To Have A New Deputy

2010. február 10. 6:29

It has been officially announced at the staff meeting held in the Ministry of Defence: as of February 1, Lieutenant General Károly Hazuga will replace Lieutenant General (eng.) János Mikita as the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff of the MoD. General Mikita has been appointed by the minister as member of the Hungarian EU presidency staff.   


It Will Be A Busy Year For The Hungarian Brigadier General

2010. február 3. 6:33

He has led the Operations Center of the Hungarian Defence Forces for one and a half years, and in the coming year he will be serving in Bosnia-Herzegovina – on Monday, January 25, Brigadier General Tibor Nagy will take over as the deputy commander of the EUFOR mission of the European Union .


As If It All Happened Yesterday…

2010. február 3. 6:27

Four years ago, on January 19, 2006, the whole of Europe learned the name of Hejce, a small village in northern Hungary. It was near this village, the population of which is only 270, that the AN–24 aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic crashed with 43 peacekeepers on board who were returning from the Kosovo mission. 


Film Is One Of The Most Efficient Services

2010. február 1. 8:05

On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of Hungarian military filmmaking after the Second World War, the Ministry of Defence and the MoD Zrínyi Communications Nonprofit Co. held a jubilee event in the Stefánia Palace on Friday. Minister of Defence Dr. Imre Szekeres was also present at the gala.


Raw Recruits, Trainers, And The Vásárhely ‘Swamp’

2010. január 27. 8:54

In Hódmezõvásárhely the basic training of more than a hundred contracted troops is coming to an end. This type of training hasn’t been held in the garrison for years. The raw recruits have been struggling hard in the past three months to fulfil the requirements, and now they are preparing for their final examination. reports from the garrison.   


Camouflage Make-Up, Simulators, And Flying Pieces Of Tile

2010. január 18. 11:14

The Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence held a recruitment roadshow in Debrecen’s Lovarda Cultural and Conference Centre on Thursday. The aim of the all-day program was to introduce the university to the secondary school students of the famous Hungarian city and the nearby towns. 


An Important Milestone Of A Project That Is Deemed To Success

2010. január 14. 7:53

The ‘Training Program for the Reintegration of Military Personnel into the Labour Market’, the so-called Norwegian Project has arrived to an important milestone. The Hungarian trainers have recently adopted the Norwegian methods, and after the successful completion of the training, they received their certificates in Hotel Hadik on Friday.   


Rejuvenation, Recruitment, Mission Service

2010. január 5. 6:08

On November 28, the Association of Hungarian Reservists (Magyar Tartalékosok Szövetsége, MATASZ) held a general meeting where the new officials of the organization have been elected. A former board member, Dr. Ottó Czuprák has been elected the new chairman, who would like to have more young people in the association. The new chairman told about the meeting of the delegates and the priorities of the organization. 


Demolished In A Few Hours, Rebuilt In Four Years

2009. december 13. 8:28

The Bosnian War of 1992–1995 was one of the darkest armed conflicts in the history of the 20th century. The exact number of casualties is still unknown, but it is a fact that the opposing parties committed many war crimes, crimes against humanity, and cultural barbarism during the three years of the war.