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László Szűcs - 15. oldal


National Officer Training To Continue On University Level

2009. december 13. 8:25

On the occasion of the successful accreditation of Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence the Senate held a session in the banqueting hall of the institution on December 2. At the event the representative of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee handed over the accreditation document to the rector of the university.   


Welcome Back Ceremony With Division Colours

2009. december 13. 8:16

On Friday the MoD Chief of Defence Staff paid a visit to the HDF 5th ‘István Bocskai’ Infantry Brigade of Debrecen, where he was welcomed with an all-day program. In the morning, the troops of the Afghan Election Security Platoon, who have recently returned from Afghanistan, were officially welcomed in the presence of their families and relatives. In the afternoon, the brigade celebrated the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the museum of the corps.


Then Suddenly A Shot Is Fired…

2009. november 29. 14:18

Just like every preparation for a mission, the training of the sixth rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent has also ended with the so-called closing exercise. During the four-day non-stop training the Hungarian troops soon taking off for Bosnia and Herzegovina demonstrated what they have learnt in the last few months. On-site report. 


“Proper Medical Support Expands The Capabilities Of The Alliance”

2009. november 29. 14:06

Hungary’s first NATO-accredited international organization, the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) of the Hungarian Defence Forces has officially became operational. 


Honeymoon After Afghanistan

2009. november 24. 7:14

Colonel Ferenc Korom, the Deputy Commander of the HDF 5th ‘István Bocskai’ Infantry Brigade of Debrecen spent seven months in Afghanistan as the commander of the sixth rotation of the Provincial Reconstruction Team of the Hungarian Defence Forces. These seven months will be remembered for ever for several reasons by the military officer, who has been to six missions so far. 


Taking The Oath Before The Zrínyi Sabre

2009. november 18. 7:38

On the basis of the Hungarian Science Day Act and the appeal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, for one month, the University of National Defence will pay tribute with a series of events to the predecessors who contributed to the development of Hungarian science. On Tuesday, on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Day, the university hosted a wreath laying ceremony and a gala senatorial session as a part of these events.


Preparation For Afghanistan In The Táborfalva Marsh

2009. november 18. 7:33

The eighth rotation of the Provincial Reconstruction Team of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF PRT) is preparing at full blast for foreign service, which is due to start next February. The Croatian and the Montenegrin military forces, that assist the Hungarian PRT, have also sent troops to the preparatory training. 


“Oppressed People Can Triumph Over Their Tyrant”

2009. november 12. 16:10

The Ministry of Defence, the municipality of Soroksár, the 23rd district of the capital, and the Military Branch of the Committee for Historical Justice held a wreath-laying ceremony on Wednesday at the memorial erected in honour of the heroic soldiers of Juta Hill.


Changing Hungarian Role In Afghanistan

2009. november 2. 8:24

Minister of Defence Dr. Imre Szekeres gave an account of the Bratislava meeting of NATO defence ministers and the situation in Afghanistan at the Tuesday session of the Foreign Affairs and Hungarian Minorities Abroad Committee of the National Assembly.


Aerial Combat And Target Tracking With Gripens

2009. október 22. 8:56

The weather was not kind to the guests invited to the demonstration day, held on 14 October, of SwedishHungarian joint tactical exercise ‘Lion Effort 2009’. At the HDF 59th ‘Dezső Szentgyörgyi’ Aviation Base in Kecskemét the flights had to be stopped because of the storm and the heavy rain, and the visitors could see a shorter program.