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László Szűcs - 12. oldal


Another Hungarian Contingent To Depart For Afghanistan

2010. május 25. 6:19

The increasing role of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Afghanistan has called for the deployment of another contingent to the Asian country, the some 40-strong HDF National Support Element. The NSE has undergone the pre-deployment training and at the closing exercise conducted on 18 May, soldiers demonstrated what they have learned. 


Kecskemét Air Show: Spectacular Displays High And Low

2010. május 13. 6:55

In all probability, the lovers of aviation and military aircraft are already cutting one centimeter off the tape measure every day – it is their countdown before this year’s Kecskemét International Air and Military Show. On 7-8 August, engines will be roaring at the HDF 59th ‘Dezsõ Szentgyörgyi’ Aviation Base.


The Joint Training Was Successful

2010. május 13. 6:50

On Friday, Hungarian-US joint air assault exercise Load Diffuser 2010 ended with a press day in Kecskemét at the HDF 59th ‘Dezsõ Szentgyörgyi’ Aviation Base. Every corps of the HDF Air Force were represented at the two-week event. 


Black Panthers Against Pumas

2010. május 10. 6:37

The HDF 59th ‘Dezsõ Szentgyörgyi’ Aviation Base has not had so busy weekdays for a long time. Exercise Load Diffuser 2010 is being conducted at the Kecskemét air base, with the participation of Hungarian Gripens and MiG–29 fighters, that is Pumas, and the F–16s, or in other words, the Black Panthers of the Ohio Air National Guard.


Where They Do Not Know The Underground And The Tram

2010. május 3. 6:11

Last year Colonel (eng.) Dr. Tibor Kovács served in Iraq for eight months. The principal of the HDF ‘Pál Kinizsi’ NCO Training School of Szentendre was a senior advisor in the NATO Training MissionIraq. He told about his impressions and experiences gained in the desert country.


More Troops To Depart For Afghanistan

2010. április 16. 7:32

The farewell ceremony for the troops of the two new Hungarian missions to depart for Afghanistan was held Monday morning in Szolnok, where the soldiers’ families were also present. During the commissioning ceremony for the first rotation of the HDF Air Mentor Team and the Hungarian personnel of the ISAF Logistics School, they also paid tribute to the victims of the tragic Polish air crash that happened this weekend. 


Thirty-Six Hours Of ‘Mission’

2010. április 6. 5:56

For an ordinary man it is unusual to spend several days in a row in nature, but for the troops of the 25/88th Light Mixed Battalion of Szolnok this is a routine task. The squads of the unit have recently completed a 36-hour live fire tactical training. 


“A Soldier On Mission Is An Ambassador Of His Country”

2010. április 2. 8:29

Hungarian peacekeepers who have recently returned from the UN mission in Cyprus (UNFICYP) were greeted on March 26 at the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base in the presence of their families and relatives. The Slovakian soldiers serving with the members of the Hungarian contingent on the island in the Mediterranean were also present at the ceremony. 


Service Day With Wreath Laying And Parachuting

2010. április 2. 8:01

It is the seventh year in a row that airborne troops have celebrated March 23, the service day of paratroopers. This year the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base hosted the usual all-day event on March 26 – several hundred retired and active airborne troops attended the reunion of military generations on Paratroopers’ Day. 


International Crisis Management And National Tasks

2010. március 25. 7:20

NATO’s international Crisis Management Exercise CMX–09 and the related national command post exercise have finished. Colonel (eng.) Dr. József Tokovicz, the regional director of the MoD Defence Bureau told about the most important experiences Hungary has gained.