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American Guests in the Military Port

Szöveg: Capt. Melinda Várkonyi |  2016. április 14. 9:00

On Tuesday, 5 April a delegation from the Ohio National Guard paid a visit to the HDF 1st EOD and Warship Regiment at the HDF Military Port in Budapest.

In the HDF 1st EOD and Warship Regiment, the delegation was received at the HDF Military Port by Commander Col. Attila Csurgó, Deputy Commander Lt.-Col. Dezső Kürti and Acting Command Sergeant Major Gábor Schuh. After attending a presentation about the unit, the members of the delegation were introduced to the capabilities of the regiment. They asked a number of questions about the EOD technicians’ work while watching their static display and dynamic show.


The members of the delegation were pleased to learn that several items of equipment that are currently used by the unit are in service with the US military too, such as the ANDROS F-6 heavy EOD robot and the EOD-9 heavy bomb suit, and the latter was even put on by one of the delegation members.

A special feature of the visit was that thanks to the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History, the guests had opportunity to see the honorary flagship of the HDF 1st EOD and Warship Regiment, the historic vessel LEITHA that is presently at anchor in the port. The model type for the one of the first river monitors (commissioned in 1871) in the Navy of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was designed during the Civil War in America, and the name of the type “Monitor" also derives from it.


The event closed with the delegation travelling to Parliament building by a minesweeper, while its members were informed about the present and past of river navigation as well as the work of the regimental warship department.

Photos by the author