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Capt. Melinda Várkonyi


Visit to the Swedish Air Force Museum

2018. február 4. 16:53

A team of four consisting of staff members from the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History and the HDF Aircraft Repair Plant recently paid a visit to the Swedish Air Force Museum in Linköping.


War Grave Care Staff Visits Germany

2017. december 13. 9:00

Headed by Deputy Commandant Col. Dr. Csaba Horváth, a delegation from the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History (MoD IMMH) recently paid a visit to the Kassel headquarters of the German partner organization of the MoD IMMH Military Memorial and War Grave Care Directorate, the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge – VDK).


Russian–Hungarian Joint Commission of Archivists Holds Session in Budapest

2017. július 5. 9:00

The recent Budapest-held session of the Russian–Hungarian joint commission of archivists has opened up new possibilities in Hungary’s relations with Russia.


Slovak–Hungarian Cooperation in Processing Data on WWI Personnel Losses

2017. június 1. 9:00

As a result of the agreement on cooperation concluded in February 2017, the digitalization of Hungarian-related necrologies deposited in the Bratislava Military History Archive (MHA) has been completed. The digital data file was recently handed over in the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History in Budapest.


American Guests in the Military Port

2016. április 14. 9:00

On Tuesday, 5 April a delegation from the Ohio National Guard paid a visit to the HDF 1st EOD and Warship Regiment at the HDF Military Port in Budapest.