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Visit to the Swedish Air Force Museum

Szöveg: Capt. Melinda Várkonyi |  2018. február 4. 16:53

A team of four consisting of staff members from the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History and the HDF Aircraft Repair Plant recently paid a visit to the Swedish Air Force Museum in Linköping.

The most important aim of the visit was to examine closely the Phönix D.III fighter plane on display and to take detailed photos and measurement of it, because the D.IIa version of the type is already in the making in Hungary, this being the plane that was also flown by NCO József Kiss, the most successful Hungarian fighter pilot in the spring of 1918.

Of course, the visit also created opportunity to build closer relations between the institutions, as the Linköpig museum has several types of aircraft – for example, Albatros B.II, Fokker C.VE, Reggiane RE.2000 – that were commissioned in the Hungarian Air Force during different periods, whereas the Swedish experts may find attractive the richness of the technical documentation and photo archives available in Hungary as a research base. Besides the exchange of experiences, the Hungarians were able to observe and learn a number of ideas and solutions that they can use in Hungary too, especially in the field of museum pedagogy.

As a tangible result of the three-day research tour, it is expected that a static-display replica of the Phönix D.IIa fighter plane will be introduced to the public in the display hangar of the REPtár aviation museum in Szolnok, Hungary during the second half of 2019.