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Hungarian Military Secondary School Students Visit the Czech Republic

Szöveg: |  2018. április 21. 13:31

Between 16–20 April, twenty students of the Kratochvil Károly Military Secondary School and Student Hostel (Debrecen) and staff visited the military secondary school of the Czech Ministry of Defence in Moravska Trebova.

The partnership between the two schools started in 2016, when the Czech one contacted the Ministry of Defence of Hungary with the intention of establishing a sister school relationship. After mutual visits by the leaders of the two schools, first the Czech students visited Debrecen in last September. In recent days, the students of the Kratochvil Military Secondary School paid a visit to the Czech Republic.

During the five-day program, the cadets learnt about the history of the Czech military secondary school, and together with the students of the institution, they took part in hands-on training sessions. On Tuesday they completed an obstacle course, a physical fitness test and participated in CQB training, while on Thursday the jointly formed Czech-Hungarian cadet platoons dressed in full marching order and went on a foot march under the leadership of Czech and Hungarian cadet platoon commanders.


On Wednesday, the Hungarian students visited Prague, where they saw the sights of the Czech royal town, and laid wreaths at the memorial tablets of Artúr Görgei and Ferenc Rákóczi II in Prague. During a dinner taken at the garrison club of Prague, the cadets met Lt.-Gen. Jiři Baloun, the First Deputy of the Czech Chief of Defence, who personally welcomed the Hungarian students. He told them that education is the main foundation of all armed forces, which can only be based on personal example and professionalism.

Following a farewell evening held in the club of the Czech military secondary school, the Hungarian students left for home on Friday morning. In recognition of the successful tasks performed together with the Czech cadets, each Hungarian cadet received the badge of the combat club of the school. The commandant of the school recognized the performance of the most motivated and skilled Hungarian cadet, 11th-former Bence Bebők by awarding his personal coin to him.


Gábor Berkecz, Head Teacher of the Kratochvil Károly Military Secondary School and Student Hostel told us that the partnership between the two schools is the result of two years’ planning and organization. “It was good to see and experience that the foundations of education at the Czech military secondary school – which has decades-long head start – are the same as those at the Kratochvil School: leading by example, professional credibility, motivation and personal care. The exchange partnership does not only benefit the two secondary schools, but also the two countries and armed forces, because during the one-week program the Czech and Hungarian cadets were working together as a team, which can provide further good and stable foundations for the so far good cooperation of the two armed forces", this was how the head teacher summed up the visit.

The partnership of the two schools continues with a visit to be made by the Czech students in September.


Photo: Kratochvil Károly Military Secondary School and Student Hostel