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Attaché at the Command

Szöveg: 1st Lt. Tímea Ifju |  2013. szeptember 7. 15:08

Col. Zlatan Jeremić, the defence attaché of the Republic of Serbia accredited to Budapest recently paid a visit to the HDF Augmentation and Central Registry Command (HDF ACRC).

Col. Zlatan Jeremić was received by Col. (Eng.) Tibor Vanyur, the commander of the ACRC, who informed the guest about the Volunteer Reserve System, its structure, functioning and current status. Further topics of the discussion included the availability of the volunteer reservists’ personal and material conditions, reservist training and the utilization of experience gained earlier by the volunteer operational reservists, who receive service remuneration.


Col. Vanyur said that on several occasions this year, the volunteer reservists have already demonstrated their ability to fully carry out their tasks. He pointed out that the volunteer reservists had participated in flood control operations, and noted that they are currently assigned important tasks like distribution of water and maintenance of military equipment. The first volunteer operational reservist recently left Hungary to participate in a foreign mission for six months.

Photo by the author