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Capability Demonstration

Szöveg: Capt. Gergő Kurucz |  2014. június 30. 9:00

A delegation of key leaders from the German–Austrian Operational Reserve Force (ORF) Battalion declared for conducting combined operations in the Balkans Joint Operational Area (JOA, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo) recently visited Camp Slim Lines in Pristina, Kosovo.


The Portuguese-led KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion first (KTM) introduced its capabilities to the delegation at a static display, and then held Crowd Riot Control (CRC) practices in the military training area of Camp Vrelo. The Hungarian Charlie (“C") Company played the role of the “good boys", while the Portuguese soldiers provided the opposing force (OPFOR) in the role of the “bad boys".

In the following days, during the run-up to the parliamentary elections in Kosovo, the Hungarian infantry company continued to build its capabilities by conducting C-IED, FIBUA and helicopter airlift training in Camp Vrelo. The exercise focused on elements that the soldiers have so far practiced less frequently than other skills.


Photo: CPL Krisztián Baksics
