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Command Sergeant Majors’ Exchange of Experiences in Budapest

Szöveg: Tibor Tamás |  2011. július 22. 8:36

Similarly to most NATO member states, the command sergeant major system has already been developed and is in operation in Hungary, too, so there are plenty of occasions for the exchange of professional experiences. This was the aim of CSM Kerry J. Boggs, Command Sergeant Major, NATO HQ Sarajevo, who arrived in Hungary on Saturday, July 16 for a formal visit. The guest was received and accompanied on his program by WO István Kriston, the Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

The two allied soldiers could easily understand each other, for their positions and ranks are similar: both of them are command sergeant majors; moreover, both of them are scouts by their basic military occupational specialty (MOS). On top of all that, WO Kriston has been to El Paso, Texas to develop his military expertise, while CSM Boggs serves in Europe.

In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of the Hungarian military education and training, the fact that CSM Boggs had the opportunity to learn about a few fundamental and typical Hungarian historical and military events and traditions has served well the aim of strengthening the reputation of our Homeland abroad; in the second part of his program he was given a more substantial insight into the professional field.

In the course of the exchanges of experiences lasting for several days, the guest got an overall picture of the Hungarian NCO model and the changes that took place in the system of professional training and promotion, this being all the more relevant, because the CSM’s basic responsibility is to assist the activities of the supreme leader of the military and to provide him with technical advice.

On Monday, July 18, the guest from BosniaHerzegovina had professional talks in the Balaton Street Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence, and then paid a visit to the Petőfi Barracks to meet the National Guard of Honor Unit of the HDF Support Brigade, and a subunit thereof, the Crown Guard. Lt-Col. Barnabás Ádám, the acting deputy commander of the Crown Guard received CSM Boggs, and told him about the history of the Holy Crown of Hungary and about the establishment and the scope of duties of the Crown Guards.

In his presentation the lieutenant-colonel emphasized the extremely high standards of the selection process and the training of crown guards; he gave an overview of the conditions and circumstances of education, protocol, and the round-the-clock service.

Finally CSM Kerry J. Boggs visited the Holy Crown in Parliament’s Dome Hall, and then went to the HDF Central Training Base in Szentendre.

Photo: Gábor Galovtsik
