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Commemorations and Revolutionary Half-Marathon in Afghanistan

Szöveg: HDF NSE |  2014. október 31. 9:00

The Hungarian troops serving in Afghanistan marked the 58th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution with a two-day program series.

In the afternoon of October 22, the programs started with a ceremonial staff meeting, which evoked the forebears’ brave, heroic and patriotic deeds. This was followed by a ceremony where some soldiers received awards for their outstanding performance on their tour of duty. The ceremonial programs continued with a contest. The participating soldiers were competing in several areas which involved events requiring mental and physical skills, in individual and team categories.


On October 23 at dawn, the Revolutionary Half Marathon, a race for the international community started in the spirit of the national day, with a fitting distance of 23 kilometers. Close to 100 allied service members – a significant number – deployed in Camp Marmal entered the marathon event. During the day, they tested their skills in combat vehicle push, tug-of-war, badminton and table-tennis, among other events. By that time, the National Support Element had already started preparing a delicious supper with Hungarian flavors for the evening meeting, which was due at the end of that eventful day.

During the evening, Lt.-Col. Béla Kerekes, the commander of the National Support Element presented the awards to the winners of sport programs. On handing over the medals and certificates, he congratulated them on their excellent results and persistence. He expressed appreciation and gratitude to all participants of the sport competitions. The lieutenant-colonel reminded his audience of the successful programs, and said that these commemorations, made colorful with community programs, were tradition-starting examples to be followed. Besides their daily operational tasks, the members of the National Support Element and the Military Advisory Team joined forces to organize, manage and support the programs.