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EUFOR Strengthens Relations with a Friendly Football Match

Szöveg: Lt. col. dr. Attila Murinkó |  2013. november 14. 9:00

On the last day of October – at the invitation of the Commander of the 4th Infantry Brigade, AFBiH Brigadier General Tomo Kolenda -, the Hungarian service-members serving is Sarajevo led by the Chief of Staff (COS) of EUFOR, Brigadier General József Szpisják, played in an indoor football tournament in the town of Capljina, where the Headquarters of AF BiH 4th Infantry BDE is located.


Commander of the HDF EUFOR-13 Contingent National Support Element (NSE) Major Imre Takács (on left)

BG Kolenda warmly welcomed the EUFOR team of Hungarian peacekeepers. Besides the EUFOR team, the local Brigade participated with two teams in the friendly football tournament. The EUFOR team had one victory and one defeat, thus it finished second.

BG József Szpisják gave prizes to the best player of the games, SGT 1st class Robert Zelenika and to the best goalkeeper who was MSG Ljupko Bošković from the soldiers of the local brigade. Commander of the HDF EUFOR-13 Contingent National Support Element (NSE) Major Imre Takács presented T-shirts with Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) inscription – offered for the first place winner team – to the team captain Colonel Nihad Klinac.


EUFOR Strengthens Relations with a Friendly Football Match

Photo: Captain László Orbán