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„Example of Humanity, Model of Bravery…”

Szöveg: NHQ Sa Chief of Staff Office |  2012. december 2. 6:03

On November 21, 2012 Col. (Eng.) Ferenc Kovács handed over the position of Chief of Staff at the NATO Headquarters Sarajevo to Col. Sándor Kisbenedek at a ceremony.


The handover-takeover ceremony took place in the presence of the soldiers serving at the Headquarters and the invited guests. The representative of the Hungarian Embassy in Sarajevo and Brig.-Gen. Péter Ernő Siposs, the senior national representative of the Hungarian soldiers serving in Sarajevo (EUFOR Chief of Staff) also honored the ceremony with their presence.

At the beginning of the event, the colonels reported the handover-takeover of the position to Brig.-Gen. Walter T. Lord, the commander of the NATO Headquarters Sarajevo. In addition to the NATO Non-Article 5 (Balkan Operations) medal, Col. Kovács received from Brig-Gen. Lord a commander’s certificate of merit in recognition of his work done over the last six months. The brigadier-general praised the Hungarian military contribution to the work of the Headquarters.


At the event, Brig.-Gen. Walter T. Lord presented the U.S. Joint Service Commendation Medal to the four Hungarian soldiers serving at the Headquarters (Col. (Eng.) Ferenc Kovács, Maj. Róbert Gubisi, Maj. (Eng.) István Orovecz and WO Zoltán Inoka).

In his farewell speech, Col. Kovács pointed out and thanked for the help and support he received in his position from his former colleagues during his first tour of duty abroad. At the same time, he wished the colonel taking over his position every success, determination and soldiers’ luck. He stressed that the successes achieved here are not the result of one man’s work but rather that of teamwork, and that besides the excellent working relationships, he was proud of the friendships formed during the last six months. He asked Col. Kisbenedek to continue the traditions and build the Hungarian soldiers’ good reputation.

Col. Kisbenedek delivered a speech, in which he thanked the outgoing chief of staff for the assistance given to the handover-takeover process, and wished the departing personnel a good journey back home. He said he hoped that the staff members of the Headquarters would support his work, like they have done in the case of his outgoing predecessor.