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Hussars in Denmark

Szöveg: Major dr. Gergely Tóth |  2019. március 26. 8:40

On the occasion of the national holiday, also 1848 reenactor hussars took part in the 15th March reception of the  Embassy of Hungary in Copenhagen. Thanks to the co-operation of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministries, Re-enactor Hussar Captain Attila Kun, the Commander of the Kecskemét Hussar re-enactors and Hussar Sergeant Imre Balogh represented the “most Hungarian branch of service”.

In addition to providing the guard of honour of the event, Attila Kun delivered a lecture on the cavalry-related curiosities of the War of Independence to the assembled participants.

The evening reception, which was graced by the presence of the President of the Bács-Kiskun County General Assembly, was also attended by the officers of the Danish Royal Life Guards. So, the Hungarian hussars could discuss the prospects of the technical co-operation, and they could visit the stations of the Danes in the Royal Palace and the Royal Manege, too.

Photos of the Re-enactment Association of the Kecskemét Hussars