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Memorandum of Co-operation was signed in London by the Minister of Defence

Szöveg: / MTI |  2019. július 18. 9:52

Memorandum of Co-operation (MoC) was signed in London by the Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő, on Wednesday, 17th July.


After the bilateral talks held with Britain’s Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt, and having signed the MoC, Tibor Benkő told MTI that the aim is to forge closer and strengthen the Hungarian-British bilateral relations. In the recent years several co-operation exercises have been started mainly between the air forces. Moreover, the two countries take part in joint missions in the Western Balkan region, which is of prime importance for Hungary; there are British soldiers in the peace-keeping units in Kosovo and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, too – the Minister of Defence stressed.

Tibor Benkő said that Hungary would like to see the continuation of this close co-operation even after the termination of the British EU-Membership (Brexit). The United Kingdom feels and takes responsibility for the security of Europe regardless of Brexit – the Minister of Defence said after his talks in London.

He added that during the discussions he expressed concerns because of the rapidly changing security factors, the increasing challenges, risks, threats appearing, among them the hybrid warfare, which first appeared in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, including among others the challenges in the cyber space. In the framework of the national defence and armed forces development program for ten years, Hungary also started to prepare for the operations in the cyber space, and seeks opportunities for co-operation, as this is important for both countries – the Minister of Defence said describing the topics of his talks in London. He noted that Hungary started the construction of the Headquarters of the Special Operational Regional Command, and NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) operates in Hungary.


Tibor Benkő encouraged the British Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt that Britain join these institutions. The British use a methodology other, than either the United States or Hungary, but from the aspect of gaining or exchanging experience, the co-operation in this area could be very important and useful also for Great Britain – the Minister of Defence emphasised. Tibor Benkő said that during his negotiations with the British partners he stressed that it is a false interpretation, which says that Hungary is blocking Ukraine’s NATO accession.

“Indeed, we had helped Ukraine, we agreed, that Ukraine should reach the level to join (NATO). Hungary, however, cannot stand idly and watch while Ukraine treats the Hungarians in Subcarpathia in an illegal and insulting manner, despite the fact that Hungary supported the Ukrainian efforts of NATO-accession until this happened" – the Minister of Defence said. He added that in his talks in London he suggested to get acquainted with the history of the countries and the situations given to be able to draw good conclusions instead of accepting “the irresponsible statements made by different persons".

During his discussions at expert-level, Tibor Benkő confirmed that Hungary maintains its commitment that the defence expenditure will reach the minimum of 2 percent of the GDP determined by NATO until 2024. He added that this goal can be reached even before 2024 on the basis of the results achieved so far.

Photos of the Defence Ministry of the UK