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NATO Military Committee Meeting in Brussels

Szöveg: Command of the Hungarian Defence Forces |  2019. január 17. 7:23

The Military Committee, NATO’s highest Military Authority, met in Brussels, between 15th and 16th of January. The Chiefs of Defence meet twice a year in this format, to discuss NATO’s key strategic issues. Hungary was represented by Lieutenant General Ferenc Korom, the Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Chief of the Honvéd General Staff in the event.

The session was chaired by Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee. The conference was attended by General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and General André Lanata, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT).

The Chiefs of Defence received an update on the security and operational issues affecting the Alliance, and reaffirmed their commitment to the operations in the Western Balkans (KFOR) and in Afghanistan, with many of them making further contributions to augment staffing levels. In connection with the situation of the NATO operations, they emphasised that the operational tempo remains high: close to 20 thousand soldiers being involved in many parts of the world. In respect of the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, the CHoDs of the 41 participating countries unanimously acknowledged the achievements attained by the Afghan Armed Forces, and stood up for the continuation of the operation.

The Chief of Defence of Pakistan assured the NATO Members States of his commitment and his resolute support for the reconciliation in Afghanistan, furthermore he expressed his conviction that it’s time to make peace after 17 years of war, and requested the promotion of this from the Committee, which makes the strategic decisions. In his reply speech, Sir Stuart Peach, on behalf of the Military Committee, thanked for Pakistan’s contribution in facilitating the mission in Afghanistan and in the fight against terrorism.

The second day of the session began with the discussion about the developments of NATO’s Common Funded Capabilities, where the CHoDs agreed among others in the introduction of a new command model.

Then, in the section, joined by Georgia, the CHoDs of the NATO Members States received an update from the Georgian Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Vladimer Chachibaia on the changes of the security situation affecting Georgia, the escalating Russian pressure on Georgia, and on the current state of the armed forces reform in Georgia.

As regards the security situation in the Western Balkans, the participating nations continue to strengthen the stability and security of the region, by maintaining their presence until the achievement of the defined objectives. The “open doors" policy of the Alliance provides a perspective for the countries of the region, the support of the Euro-Atlantic integration efforts promotes stability.

In his address Lieutenant General Korom highlighted that Hungary has an interest in the stability of the Western Balkans; therefore we maintain the level of our operational contribution in the region. He also gave information about the achievements of the Hungarian armed forces development program.

On the margins of the session of the Military Committee, Lt.-Gen. Korom had a bilateral meeting with the Chief of the Italian Defence Staff, and also negotiated with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) about the Multinational Division for Central Europe Headquarters to be formed at Hungarian initiative, and also with the Chief of the Slovakian General Staff.