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The „Bucharest Nines” Meet on Defence Ministerial Level in Warsaw

Szöveg: Ministry of Defence |  2019. április 8. 16:30

The ”Bucharest Nines” Meet on Defence Ministerial Level in Warsaw The second gathering of the so called Bucharest Nines (B9s) was organised in Warsaw this year. Hungary was represented by István Szabó Defence State Secretary on April 4 and April 5 in the Polish capital.

The heads of delegations participating in the discussions mainly focussed on the common contribution the B9s can make for the reinforcement of NATO’s deterrence and security arrangements, and for the implementation of the EU Global Strategy.

The launch of the consultation between the B9s – that is the four Visegrád countries, the three Baltic States, Romania and Bulgaria – was initiated in 2014 by Poland and Romania. The objective of the co-operation was the uniform representation of interests of the member states on NATO’s eastern flank in the Alliance and in the EU. Last time, on 28th February, the Heads of State of the B9s consulted in Kassa, and then Hungary was represented by the President of the Republic Dr. János Áder.


Photos of the Ministry of Defence