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Hungarian Efforts For The Education Of Afghan Children

Szöveg: Levente Palotás |  2010. február 21. 8:28

The troops of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HDF PRT) had an extraordinary experience at the last handover ceremony, where a new school was opened in a town in Jelga province. The new school was built in Yarme Ulya by the HDF PRT in cooperation with the Afghan Ministry for Rural Development. 

It seemed like nearly everyone in the region and every future pupil of the school came together to the ceremony and out of respect for the Hungarian soldiers, to celebrate the handover of the new school together. There was a reason for the happiness of the locals, for they are also aware that the knowledge and education of the future generation, the children who are now of school age, is a key to the development of Afghanistan and the emergence of the country. In many places there are no proper school buildings and a lot of pupils learn in tents, this is why it is a great help for the villages and communities to have educational facilities.

The Afghan Ministry for Rural Development started the construction of the school in the beginning of 2009, in the framework if its National Solidarity Program, but unfortunately, they could not complete the works due to financial difficulties, and the building was left unfinished. Therefore the leader of the district shura contacted the Hungarian camp in Pol-e Khomri and asked for help with the completion of the building, since they could not fund the rest of the works. The Hungarian contingent provided for the necessary resources and in October 2009, the construction works were started again.


The entrepreneur responsible for the construction has completed the school with success, so a handover ceremony could be held, where Lt.Col. László Fábián, the chief of staff of the HDF PRT was also present. The local leaders, the headmaster and the teachers had dinner with the Hungarian troops, then they cut the ribbon and opened the new building for the children. The reconstruction team wants to help the school of Yarme Ulya in the future too, the locals do not have the necessary resources to furnish or equip the building, and there is also a need for a wall around the facility. The HDF PRT will make efforts to fulfil this request as well, depending on its means, in order to provide the school with everything that is necessary for the education of the children.
