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Hungarian Parachute Team Competes in Austria

Szöveg: |  2016. szeptember 1. 10:39

After winning a World Military Parachuting Champion title in July, the parachute team of the Hungarian Defence Forces participated in another competition. This time, Capt. Tamás Bánszki, WO Tamás Varga, WO Tamás Hirschler, Sgt. Szabolcs Gál and Volunteer Operational Reservist WO István Asztalos entered the Austrian round of the Parachute World Cup Series (ParaWCS).


This year’s fourth edition of the Parachute World Cup Series (ParaWCS) took place in Thalgau, Austria between 26-28 August. Hungary was represented by CISM-Hungary, the team of the Szolnok Military Parachuting Sport Club. Its members were competing in a way worthy of world champions all along, but unfortunately, the electronic system signaled WO Gábor Hirschler’s “other" foot during the eight and last jump, so he got the worst possible result (16cm), although up to that point, he had been in a winning position in the individual accuracy event too. Thus, the Hungarians got the sixth placing in team competition, but thanks to István Asztalos, they managed to get into the top three, since the volunteer operational reservist warrant officer stood on the winner’s rostrum in the master classification.


The last two upcoming editions of the world cup series will be held in Germany and Switzerland respectively, and the Hungarian team still has a chance, as it aspires to be among the top three teams in the final classification.

Click here for the detailed results of the Austrian competition.