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Hungarian Parachuting Success in Montenegro

Szöveg: |  2017. szeptember 3. 9:36

The Hungarian national military parachute team finished the FAI 9th Senior and 6th Junior Freefall-Style and Accuracy Landing European Parachuting Championships held in Podgorica, Montenegro between 26-31 August with an individual European championship title, a fourth place in the team accuracy event and an sixth place in the junior individual accuracy landing category.


Volunteer Operational Reservist WO István Asztalos is the winner of the individual accuracy landing event, with a score of only three centimeters.

In the team accuracy landing category, 16 teams entered the championship, of which the Hungarian national military parachute team – Capt. Tamás Bánszki, Sgt. Szabolcs Gál, WO Gábor Hirschler and WO Tamás Varga – was placed fourth with a score of 30 centimeters.


PV2 Ferenc Horváth, a young competitor of the Hungarian team came in sixth with a score of 16 centimeters in the individual accuracy landing category at the 6th FAI Junior Freefall-Style and Accuracy Landing European Parachuting Championships, which were running in parallel with the senior competition.


Photo: Facebook