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Medical Aid to the Public Hospital

Szöveg: Maj. László Bártfai |  2012. január 3. 16:05

The chief of staff of the 11th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-11) continued the aid program launched in the last months by donating supplementary medical material to the director of the municipal public hospital in Pol-e Khumri, Afghanistan on 20 December. The hospital led by Head Physician Dr. Khalil Mosudia is a health care institution which is open to every resident of Baghlan Province.

The aid provided for a health care institution always comes in handy, but this time the director of the hospital was especially pleased to receive the aid package of the HUN PRT-11. At the same time, Dr. Khalil Mosudia expressed his hope that the donation is not a one-off.

In 2011 the staff of the Rescue 24 service of the Hungarian Baptist Aid had already met the director of the public hospital in Pol-e Khumri and offered assistance with teaching the use of the automated defibrillators donated earlier. The hospital staff was pleased to receive the offer and help from the Hungarian emergency medical technicians.

The HUN PRT aid package was assembled by the CIMIC team with assistance from the medical center. The hospital staff is going to utilize the mostly one-time use special health care material in the course of the daily medical attendance.

HUN PRT-11 Chief of Staff Lt.-Col. Lajos Nagy delivered a speech on the occasion of the donation, in which he expressed his hope that the contents of the aid package would help the medical treatment of the sick Afghan people. The director of the hospital said thanks for the donation.