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Outstanding Performances in the Mission

Szöveg: |  2015. október 16. 9:00

MINUSCA, i.e. the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic was launched in March this year. Currently the Hungarian Defence Forces are contributing a four-man contingent to the mission, which includes Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Rumbach, Lt.-Col. Alajos Kiss, Maj. András Molnár and Capt. Tamás Brunner.

Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Rumbach and Maj. András Molnár are serving as staff officers in Bangui, the capital city of the country, whereas Lt.-Col. Alajos Kiss and Capt. Tamás Brunner are carrying out military observer tasks. The two staff officers have key roles in directing the military operations of one military sector each. Lt.-Col. Kiss has been the commander of an observation post during the first six months of his tour, whereas Capt. Brunner has gone on countless patrols as the operations officer of a post located along the main supply route of the country.

The “Blue Helmets" encountered extraordinary circumstances during their tour of duty. A dangerous strain of malaria takes a heavy toll in the country whose people suffer from countless other diseases that are mostly unknown in Europe. With the help of MINUSCA and the French-led Operation SANGARIS, the state administration can take small steps only with great difficulties in order to stabilize the situation in the country after the end of a recent civil war. Originally scheduled for this February, the elections still cannot be held in the absence of proper preparations, so the currently valid official date must probably be modified again in a short time.

Lt.-Col. Kiss hands over the commander’s responsibilities of the Paoua observer post
to Maj. Stephen Tuwey (Kenyan Air Force)

In accordance with a generally accepted principle of international missions, the participating nations usually fill the key positions proportionately to their troop contribution. That is why the members of the Hungarian contingent were caught by surprise when – based on their individual performance over the first few months – Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Rumbach was appointed Chief of the Military Operations Centre of the mission, whereas Lt.-Col. Alajos Kiss the main coordinator of all military observers in the mission and Chief of Staff at the Military Observer Coordination Cell of the MINUSCA Headquarters.

Lt.-Col. Kiss transferred the leadership of the observer post in early September, and then joined the staff officers serving in Bangui. Lt.-Col. Rumbach will officially assume command of the center in October, following the return home of his predecessor. In what follows, the two lieutenant-colonels will be directing the activities of military contingents and observers in the mission.