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Patrolling and Crowd Riot Control

Szöveg: Capt. Imre Farkas |  2013. június 13. 13:34

The soldiers serving with the Hungarian maneuver company of the EUFOR Multinational Battalion (MNBN) participated in a Full Operational Capability (FOC) Evaluation Exercise between June 5 and 7.


The objective of the exercise was to evaluate the tasks executed on the occasion of the rotation of the Turkish company, which included reconnaissance, patrolling, crowd riot control (CRC), evacuation as well as area and facility searches. Besides the Turkish soldiers, the Austrian and Hungarian troops – led by Maj. Csaba Halász, Chief of Staff, MNBN – actively participated in planning, directing, organizing and evaluating the infantry tasks.

This has been the last exercise during the tour of the 12th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent, because the next rotation will be deployed in the area of operations in three weeks to rotate out the personnel that have served over the last six months.

Since most Hungarian peacekeepers presently serving in Sarajevo are from Győr and its environs, they are following with special attention the news about the flood on the River Danube.


Photo: HDF EUFOR Contingent