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Paying Tribute to the Comrades’ Memory

Szöveg: |  2014. augusztus 26. 9:00

In Camp Marmal, Afghanistan, Hungarian soldiers recently gathered again to commemorate their dead comrades. Lt. Judit Ábrahám Pappné lost her life four years ago, on August 23, 2010, in an enemy ambush on their convoy.


Having completed its mission, the eighth rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) was already on its way to Hungary, when, en route to Mazar-e Sharif, it ran into a fatal ambush which claimed the life of posthumous Lieutenant Judit Ábrahám Pappné. She was 31 years old.

Posthumous Lieutenant György Kolozsvári suffered serious injuries in the ambush and lost his life on September 7, after being transported to Hungary. He was 36 years old.


At the commemorative event, the commanders of the Hungarian contingents deployed in Camp Marmal and the senior officers from among those serving in individual positions laid wreaths and lit candles in front of the memorial plaque of their dead comrades.