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Planning for the Mission in Afghanistan After 2014 is Under Way

Szöveg: / MTI |  2012. szeptember 14. 9:12

The initial guidance for the new NATO-led mission in Afghanistan would be completed in the next few weeks, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told journalists at his monthly press briefing held in Brussels on Monday, September 10.


Anders Fogh Rasmussen pointed out that NATO will lead the new mission to train, advise
and assist Afghan security forces. He reminded his audience that at the Chicago Summit held
in this May, the member states agreed that the NATO-led international force (ISAF) will
withdraw its combat units from the Central Asian country until the end of 2014, and until
then the local Afghan armed forces will gradually assume full responsibility for security in
the whole area of Afghanistan. NATO, however, will remain committed to supporting the
country and will start a new mission in Afghanistan in cooperation with other international

“We all know the cost of our mission in Afghanistan, and the investment we have made
over the years. So let me say this: we have an important goal and a mandate from the United
Nations. Our strategy is set, our timeline is clear. And we will stay the course." – the NATO
Secretary General stated.

In answering a question, the NATO Secretary General reasserted that NATO is not planning
to reduce the strength of KFOR deployed in Kosovo in relation with the closing of the
International Civil Office there.
