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Preparing for the CREVAL

Szöveg: Lt. Csaba Búz |  2012. július 7. 5:59

On June 26 a conference was organized on the readiness level of the battalion-sized HDF Infantry Battle Group (IBG) – a unit preparing for a NATO CREVAL process due this year – in the Hódmezővásárhely garrison of the HDF 5th ‘Bocskai István’ Infantry Brigade. The core of the IBG is drawn from the 62nd infantry battalion of the brigade.

The acronym CREVAL stands for the Combat Readiness Evaluation of Land Headquarters and Units, which is the system for assessing and evaluating the combat readiness status of battalion-sized land units that are designated to conduct allied operations under the command of the NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).

The aim of the latest pre-visit was to allow the HDF Infantry Battle Group to present a comprehensive picture of its readiness posture, manning level and equipment prior to the start of the NATO CREVAL process.

The HDF IBG has by now reached cohesion on platoon level and completed the training programs for peacekeepers as well as the individual target practices, so the only training tasks yet to be executed are the ones on company and battalion levels.

At the conference, Maj. László Deme, the designated commander of the HDF IBG reported that the subunit had successfully executed all the scheduled tasks so far, in accordance with the training calendar approved by the commander of the HDF Joint Force Command (HDF JFC). Speaking about the tasks ahead of the IBG, he pointed out the scheduled training event at Táborfalva in July, where the IBG will conduct the company-level and the mortar live fire exercises.

The participants of the professional panel sessions discussed in detail the task system of the CREVAL process and put forward the issues to be decided. Brig.-Gen. János Huszár, the Land Forces Chief of the HDF JFC attending the conference said “Stay committed and meet the CREVAL force standards with success!"

Photos by the author
