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Soldiers of Four Nations Are Received in the Main Square of Maribor

Szöveg: CPL Beáta Cs. Sárkány |  2014. június 28. 13:47

Exercise Clever Ferret 2014 has started with an opening ceremony in Slovenia, where the Hungarian Defence Forces are represented by the soldiers of the HDF Joint Force Command and the HDF 5th “Bocskai István” Infantry Brigade.


The multinational brigade lined up in the main square of Maribor. The superiors of the brigade, the mayor of the town and the Slovenian Minister of Defence welcomed the soldiers. In their speeches, the superiors emphasized the importance and role of the Multinational Land Force (MLF) brigade in Europe.

The Hungarian ambassador also honored the event with his presence. The opening ceremony finished with music played by Slovenian and Italian army bands.

The exercise is to be conducted in the next two weeks. In this period, the Hungarian, Italian, Austrian and Slovenian soldiers will be executing joint tasks to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the pre-exercise training phase.


Photos by the author