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The establishment of Military National Security Service resulted in saving public funds

Szöveg: / MTI |  2014. január 27. 9:00

“The establishment of Military National Security Service (KNBSZ) in 2012 resulted in saving public funds as the agency did the same amount of assignments with a lower strength and lower budget than its legal predecessors”, the State Audit Office of Hungary reported. In general, the coordination activities of the Ministry of Defence were sufficient and all the supervision measures related to the establishment of the Military National Security Service were made in accordance with relevant laws, rules and regulations – the Audit Office stated in its communiqué.

The Hungarian News Agency (MTI) was informed on Thursday, 23rd January 2014, about the accomplishment of the auditing of the KNBSZ and published its report on the auditing of the security agency and its legal predecessors covering the period of time between 2010 and 2012.

The review conducted by the Audit Office evaluated the financial and asset management of the KNBSZ, established on 1st January 2012 and those of its legal predecessors; the Military Intelligence Office of the Republic of Hungary and of the Military Security Agency, including the structuredness and operation of their internal control systems and the coordination role of the MoD as well.

With the use of the special operational and military diplomatic materials related to the fundamental activities of the agencies the legal frameworks of the founding of the KNBSZ and the structural modernisation of its legal predecessors were highlighted and specifically assessed.

The auditing resulted in the identification of the fact that the active internal control systems at the KNBSZ and its legal predecessors were appropriate and the economic management was in accordance with the plans. The special operational and military diplomatic expenses related to the fundamental activities of the agencies were correct and reliable. The asset management was also in accordance with the regulations.

In all, the coordinating activities of the MoD were appropriate and all the founder and coordinator resolutions related to the establishment of the Military National Security Service were made in accordance with relevant laws, rules and regulations –the Audit Office stated in its communiqué.