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The HDF Have a New Command Sergeant Major

Szöveg: Tamás Zilahy |  2011. július 6. 14:31

The handover of the position of command sergeant major (CSM) took place in the Ministry of Defence on Wednesday, June 29. The authority of CSM of the Hungarian Defence Forces was transferred from SWO Tibor Bogdán to WO István Kriston, who assumed duties as of July 1. Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff delivered a speech at the ceremony; Maj-Gen. István Juhász, Director of Staff (DOS), the chiefs of the MoD Defence Staff directorates and the CSMs of the HDF units and higher-level organizations were also present at the event.

Following the national anthem, the Defence Minister’s decree and the Chief of Defence’s order were read out about relieving SWO Tibor Bogdán of his duties as CSM while acknowledging his achievements, and about his transfer to the NATO School, Oberammergau as course director.

In recognition of his service, the Chief of Defence presented SWO Tibor Bogdán with a dagger as a token of appreciation.

In his speech Gen. Benkő gave an overview of the past twelve years, including the development of the command sergeant major system, praising the achievements and the exemplary human and professional approach of the top-ranking NCOs, asking the audience to continue setting a role model to their subordinates and colleagues and help the work of their commanders and the HDF leadership in the future as well.

The Chief of Defence also announced that as of autumn, military conferences would be held on every level of the HDF, focusing on how to resolve current problems. All personnel are expected to take part in the work that serves the interest of soldiers, with the intention to improve things.

After Gen. Benkő’s speech, SWO Bogdán thanked his colleagues for their support, his superiors for their trust, and wished his successor every success with his responsible job. Finally WO István Kriston outlined his ideas and detailed his plans for the future.


 Photo: Gábor Galovtsik
