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Two of his Wishes Came True

Szöveg: Vivien Takács |  2013. november 10. 6:00

„My childhood dream was to become a soldier. I wanted my family and my friends to be proud of me. When in 2012 I joined the French Foreign Legion, both of my wishes came true” – the twenty-year old Hungarian young man, who serves in the legion told

„I serve in the 2éme Regiment Etranger d’Infanterie (2REI), namely in the 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment, within the French Foreign Legion, in the town of Nimes, in Southern France. Until November I will serve in a combat company, then – according to plans – I will take part in a marksmanship training course, and from then on I will continue with my tour of duty abroad as an expert marksman," said the young man, whose name we cannot mention in this place – of course.

We have learned that he went through a smooth integration process as a Hungarian, because everybody has equal opportunities on start in the foreign legion. “Perhaps the language meant the greatest problem for me, as upon arrival I only knew one word in French: bonjour. However, we can communicate only in French in this country, so we are forced to learn and use the language. In a year’s time my language knowledge improved so much, that now I can understand almost everything, and I can make myself understood as well" – he told us.

The legionary of Hungarian origin will soon take part in marksmanship training

How does a day pass in the legion? “From six in the morning until five in the afternoon we have “work". Every day we start with doing some sports, and then we continue with the different training sessions. Besides these, we have many French lessons, but we also learn Geography and Weapon Proficiency inter alia. Our leisure time begins at five in the afternoon, which I usually spend with recreation. Then I have time to speak with my family or my girlfriend on the internet or by phone. Many of us go out into the town, to have fun, or relax a bit" – said the Hungarian legionary.

We have been told they had absolutely no free time during the basic training. However, as soon as they got into the regiments, even their weekends became free, unless they had to perform guard duty, or some other service. During the free weekends, he visited some towns in South France, which are very pretty and lovely.


Legion Etrangere, i.e. French Foreign Legion

„Fortunately, the morning sports sessions do not cause any difficulties for me, because I had been a pentathlete in Budapest for thirteen years. So running, performance enhancement training is a piece of cake for me. Fortunately, I have the possibility to practise sports abroad, too, I can choose from swimming, the use of gym and martial arts session, among others" – said the young man, who also told us that his family did not want him to become a legionary in the beginning. Especially her mother was against his plan. Nevertheless, slowly he managed to convince his relatives, who resigned themselves to that he would realise his idea.

The young man let us know the details: “I found the first 4-5 months pretty hard, as I could not even phone home then. I went home for the first time for a week after I had served eight months. Generally, I get a one or two weeks paid holiday every three months. I spent three weeks at home in the summer."

„Every morning we begin with doing some sports, and then we continue with the different training sessions."

„It is included among my future plans to complete the marksmanship training with success, and later on, I would like to take part in several missions. The legion gives work for a lifetime, but the contract is only for five years, so maybe that after five years I demobilise and come home" – he said.

The Hungarian youth makes no secret from the fact that the legion taught him order and discipline and the knowledge of the human character. Above this, he learned to appreciate the small blessings of life, such as the family, the friends – or just to have food…

On live fire exercises