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Where Athletes Find A Home: BHSE Is 60 Years Old

Szöveg: Andrea Kánya |  2009. december 13. 8:21

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Budapest Honvéd Sports Association (Budapesti Honvéd Sportegyesület, BHSE) a gala was held in the Stefánia Cultural Centre, where the Immortal Members Award was also presented by the Association.

Retired General Dr. Zoltán Szenes said in his opening speech that the Sports Association, founded December 18, 1949, had four important tasks. "Its duty was to earn credit for our country and the defence forces with outstanding sports events at home and all over the world; to develop relations between the military force and society with its outstanding sports activities; to contribute to the promotion of sports and a healthy way of living with its outstanding achievements in sports and exemplary sportsmen; and finally, to foster the traditions of the Kispest Athletic Club in a way that is worthy of the club," said the general, adding that in the past sixty years the Association has fulfilled all four duties. Dr. Zoltán Szenes called the guests’ attention to the fact that in the past sixty years, the athletes of Honvéd have won 1,218 gold, silver, and bronze medals in total.

Defence Minister Dr. Imre Szekeres pointed out in his address: "Hungary has been considered a great power in sports for long, and I hope it is still considered one. Talent alone is not enough; talent needs a back country from which it can start out." In the opinion of the defence minister it is an important achievement that the Honvéd Sports Association of Budapest has been returned to the budget of the Ministry of Defence, with a considerable financial support from the portfolio. "As a result of that, the club provides a calm and stable background for its athletes and the training staff. This cooperation, however, is mutual, since the Association also helps us – on the one hand the athletes wear the name of the defence forces on their shirts, and they also participate in the recruitment events of the HDF" – said the minister, who specifically mentioned those sports which are in connection with military training as well: judo, competition shooting, fencing, pentathlon, and off-road rally.


Following the minister’s speech the decorations awarded by the Ministry of Defence were presented, and the members and athletes of the Association received awards for long service, outstanding achievements in sports in national and international competitions, and for the management of the operation of the Sports Association. In the name of the athletes and all those who received an award, Ádám Marosi thanked the ministry for its support and prizes, and presented Imre Szekeres with a gift.

Pál Schmitt, the chairman of the Hungarian Olympic Committee (Magyar Olimpiai Bizottság, MOB) said in his speech following the awards ceremony: “Three years ago, when Öcsi Puskás passed away we thought he was the most well-known Hungarian person in the world. What I can see during my travels all over the country is that after Puskás, the second word that is familiar to people everywhere, is Honvéd. For Honvéd has inscribed its name very firmly upon the pages of the Olympic and world sport movements" – said the chairman, adding that the ‘Honvéd’ athletes have always been and will always be safe. “I think great work is done here. Many say that sports associations are unapproachable because they operate as gladiator schools that do not have to be subsidized by the state. The only exception is the Ministry of Defence, which has decided it has a mission" – said the chairman, emphasizing that athletes find a home, friendship, and discipline upon joining the Honvéd Sports Association. Pál Schmitt underlined the role of the trainers as well: “Athletes come and go, they earn glory – trainers keep making efforts for 30-50 years, they start with the smallest ones and try to take their apprentices to the top." Pál Schmitt also mentioned a few names, for instance Miska Iglódi, János Szûcs, István László, László Kovács, Rajmond Csányi, and Csöpi Szántó. Finally the chairman noted that at the moment there are fifty Honvéd athletes in the olympic team that is preparing for London.

Following his speech the Immortal Member Awards of the Association were presented, several sportsmen and sportswomen (Tibor Benedek, Tímea Nagy, Imre Pulai, and Ferenc Novák, among others) received decorations. The supporters of the Honvéd Sports Association were also awarded.

Imre Molnár, the managing director of HSE said at the event: today there are only a very few sports clubs that have earned such respect for themselves. In the Sport Association education is focused on results. “Today there is a great pressure on performance, a fierce rivalry, and the old principle that says yesterday’s success may not be enough tomorrow is still valid. Leaders have to set higher standards. But we have learned here in the Association that there is a hope that the club survives. The contract of cooperation between the Ministry of Defence and the Association has contributed to this. It is good to know that we have someone to lean on; 161 gold, 99 silver, and 6 bronze medals prove that we try to be true to our predecessors."

After watching the documentary about the ‘Honvéd’ gold medals of the 2000, 2004, and 2008 Summer Olympic Games, Judit Sági greeted the audience on behalf of the municipality of District 13, reading aloud the letter of the mayor and finally, granting one million forints to the Association.

The event ended with the Szózat (the ’second Hungarian anthem’).
