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Change of Chief of EUFOR Staff

Szöveg: |  2018. május 3. 9:21

On April 27 Chief of Staff EUFOR Brigadier General József Szpisják bid farewell to the peacekeepers serving in Sarajevo. The Chief of Staff, finishing his one-year tour of duty thanked for the support of the EUFOR Commander and his staff, and for the excellent co-operation with the leaders of the local armed forces.

In what followed, the new Chief of Staff of the mission, Brigadier General Gábor Horváth greeted the troops currently serving in EUFOR. He said that he volunteered for the position, and is ready for the task. He assured the Commander of the mission that the joint efforts and the co-operation will be successful. Brigadier General Gábor Horváth took over the flag of the European Union from Major General Martin Dorfer, Commander EUFOR as a symbol of the handover-takeover of the position.

The handover-takeover of the position of the Chief of EUFOR Staff was preceded by the handover-takeover of the position of the Senior National Representative (SNR), which was closed on April 26.


In the Hungarian national ceremony Brigadier General József Szpisják recounted the major results of the past year, and then thanked for the outstanding working performance of the 20th, 21st HDF EUFOR Contingent, and the 22nd Rotation currently performing service, as well as the Hungarian soldiers serving in individual posts.

In his speech Brigadier General Gábor Horváth underlined that the Hungarian servicemen still have a lot of important and responsible duties ahead of them, with particular emphasis on the EUFOR exercise to be implemented during the autumn.


Photo: HDF EUFOR Contingent