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Medical Development in Kosovo

Szöveg: Lt. Gábor Horváth |  2018. március 17. 9:41

Brig.-Gen. Dr. István Kopcsó, Chief of the Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Service recently paid a visit to Camp Novo Selo in Kosovo. The aim of the professional visit was to inspect the new ROLE-1 tent complex.

Procured in November 2017, the modern and modular design of the ROLE-1 capability meets the challenges of the 21st century. In view of the outstanding importance Hungary attaches to the role in the KFOR mission, the Hungarian contingent stationed in Kosovo has received the first facility of this type. The KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) is a high-readiness unit that is deployable any time in the region, therefore a mobile and modular medical capability of this level is a significant support for the troops.

The fully self-sustaining ROLE-1 tent has its own electric generator and air conditioning system, and is capable of ensuring the immediate treatment and stabilization of outpatients, inpatients as well as persons with serious or critical injuries.