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How to Survive in Water

Szöveg: Capt. Zoltán Tószegi |  2013. augusztus 17. 6:00

Between August 12–14 the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base houses the water survival training of Gripen pilots. This training is compulsory for every Hungarian fighter pilot candidate before the start of the flying training in Sweden.

The water survival training for Hungarian Gripen pilots has so far been organized in Sweden, but last year the Hungarian trainers passed their exam with success, so this year the seven candidate pilots can take this compulsory training course at the Szolnok Helicopter Base in Hungary. Two Swedish instructors are here with them to supervise the trainers’ work.

Besides academic training, the pilots are participating in a daylong land training session and a two-day water training practice.


(Our photos were taken on the venues of academic and land training. In what follows, we will report on the aquatic phase of the training as well.)

Photo: Éva Singer