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Double Farewell Ceremony and Name-Giving in Debrecen

Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury |  2011. február 8. 10:16

The farewell ceremony of the personnel of the 10th ISAF PRT and the 4th KFOR rotations and the naming ceremony of the 39th Infantry Brigade took place on Thursday, February 3 in Debrecen. Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende and Dr. Lajos Kósa, the mayor of Debrecen were also present and addressed the troops at the event.

The farewell ceremony of the 10th rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) and the 4th rotation of the Hungarian contingent of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) was held in Debrecen’s Kossuth Square in front of the Great Church. The majority of the personnel to deploy to Baghlan Province, Afghanistan are drawn from the HDF 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade: 240 Hungarian, 33 Montenegrin, 5 Croatian and 2 Albanian soldiers have completed the training, and the commander of the contingent is LTC Balázs Szloszjár. In the KFOR rotation, 207 service members are to be posted to various positions and 50 troops will be reserves; the commander of the contingent is LTC Sándor Szabó. The preparations for the demanding missions commenced last September for both contingents.

The farewell ceremony was followed by the naming ceremony of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the Bocskai István Infantry Brigade, where Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende handed over the colors of the legendary 39th Imperial and Royal Infantry Regiment to the battalion. From now on, the unit is the namesake of its legendary forebear, so its new designation is 39th Infantry Battalion. Dr. Lajos Kósa, the mayor of Debrecen was also present, as well as the leaders of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, Chief, HDF Defence Staff and Maj-Gen. József Kovács, Commanding General, HDF Joint Force Command.

Csaba Hende began his speech with the short history of the 39th Infantry Regiment, pointing out that since its formation, the soldiers of the unit had been in every war where they had to fight for the crown and for Hungary. He emphasized that the troops receiving the colors of the forebear unit will not only keep it but also add value to it, so that they deserve it and be worthy of the memory of the soldiers who had fought under this flag. The minister reminded the troops that last year the battalion had been given the NATO ’Combat Ready’ qualification  and the Hungarian Defence Forces are very proud of this achievement , since they have met the necessary requirements through courage, honor and good performance in the spirit of their motto.

"Since 2003, we have made many efforts to achieve that the Afghan nation can take responsibility for its own country, without being controlled by extremists, so that Afghanistan does not pose a threat to us and to the Western world," Csaba Hende said about the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. "We are talking about a difficult mission, in another world, where everything is different from what we know here, in Europe," pointed out the minister who also encouraged the troops to acquaint themselves with Afghanistan and respect everything that should be respected.

Speaking about Kosovo, the minister pointed out that even though this mission gets mention quite rarely, it is an extremely important one. “After a terrible war, we must help the citizens of that country so that they can live in peace and find the ways of progress and prosperity," said Csaba Hende. “Stability in Kosovo means stability in the Balkans, stability in the Balkans means security in Hungary," added the minister, also emphasizing that through their tour of duty the troops also contribute to achieving this goal. “I want and expect you to perform your duty like good soldiers: carefully, honorably, bravely, always as the circumstances require," said the Minister, noting that the security situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated, but in the recent months the Force Protection of the Hungarian contingent has been increased. By way of example, Csaba Hende mentioned the armored containers and Kevlar helmets, and thanked the supporting staff for their work in increasing the Force Protection level. The minister also reminded the troops that there was an all-party consensus among MPs in the Defence Committee of the National Assembly about procuring the necessary equipment as soon as possible. "We will not leave you alone on the mission either," said Csaba Hende, asking the soldiers not to forget that everything they do they do for the homeland, and anyone who comes across the Hungarian tricolors abroad will meet the Hungarian nation through them. "Take care of yourselves and each other, do your duty, and return home safe and sound. God bless you, help you and keep you!"  the Defence Minister closed his speech.

Following the Minister’s speech, Lt. Szilárd Sajtos, the Protestant army chaplain blessed the departing troops, while Csaba Szentesi, the Greek Orthodox army chaplain blessed the new unit colors. To revive the historic traditions, the Defence Minister, the mayor of Debrecen and LTC Zsolt Vantal, Commander, 39th Infantry Battalion drove nails into the flagstaff as a symbol of unity.

"Waving this flag is an uplifting experience," said Zsolt Vantal in his speech. "It is the testimony that we follow the heroes’ path. The personnel of the battalion are proud to have this TOE number and continue the traditions," said the lieutenant-colonel who also pledged that all of them will perform their duties to be worthy of the memory and heritage of the heroes. He emphasized that the troops are fully trained to carry out the tasks ahead of them.

Dr. Lajos Kósa, the mayor of Debrecen reminded the troops and the guests that these events always provide a good opportunity to clarify certain issues; the present case is a good opportunity to make it clear why Hungarian soldiers go to Afghanistan. “There was a democratic, public voting in Hungary where 80 per cent of the Hungarian people decided that they wanted to join NATO. This membership has benefits but it places responsibilities on us as well," said Lajos Kósa, adding that our soldiers go on their tour of duty abroad so that Hungary can be a safe place. The mayor told the troops he was convinced that today an even higher proportion of Hungarians would vote to join the most powerful military alliance in the world, which guarantees the security of our homeland. “Do a good job for everyone’s sake, and return home safe and sound!" – Lajos Kósa told the troops.

The mayor also mentioned that in the AustroHungarian Monarchy, there were only three regiments that received the yellow unit colors, the symbol of outstanding performance in the battlefield. Only one of the flags has survived, which is now in the Military History Institute and Museum, so the battalion received a replica. "Debrecen is proud of its military traditions and the fact that the Bocskai Brigade, one of the strongest units in the country, is stationed in our town. Our town deserves the first military technical school to be built here in the near future," said Lajos Kósa. "Debrecen supports its soldiers, we are behind you," said the mayor, wishing the departing troops success, strength, good health and perseverance.

Before the start of the ceremony the defence minister and Zoltán Pajna, the deputy mayor of Debrecen unveiled a memorial tablet of the 39th Imperial and Royal Infantry Regiment in the barracks of the Bocskai Infantry Brigade. Following the event in Kossuth Square, Csaba Hende and Lajos Kósa laid wreaths in the Great Forest (Nagyerdő) at the limestone statue commemorating the 39ers, a work by Tivadar Debreczeni completed in 1925.

Photo: Veronika Dévényi