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Tibor Benkő: Croatia and Hungary View Security Challenges the Same Way

Szöveg: / MTI |  2019. április 9. 13:58

Croatia and Hungary view security challenges – among them the issue of illegal migration – the same way – Minister of Defence said in the April ninth, Tuesday morning’s program of the M1 public television channel.

Tibor Benkő, who received the Croatian Defence Minister, Damir Krstičević on Monday, said in the program that Croatia is also of the view that "what our forefathers won", we have to defend. Concerning the threat from the south, they consider the addressing of the migration crisis equally important – he added.

The Minister of Defence highlighted that his Croatian colleague confirmed that groups of migrant are not allowed to enter the territory of the country illegally, without supporting documents. Croatia looks at the security challenges the similar way, and takes the similar steps as Hungary – he pointed out.

Tibor Benkő and Damir Krstičević signed two documents: an intergovernmental agreement on air-policing, and a memorandum of understanding on setting up a Central European multinational division. The Hungarian minister said in the M1 program that the defence co-operation between the two countries is excellent.

With respect to the agreement on air policing, he said in the „Good morning, Hungary!", the Tuesday’s program of Kossuth Radio, that the co-operation is based on mutual trust, and this enables the two countries to perform air-policing missions in one another’s air space without permission. Croatia was the first to sign the memorandum of understanding on setting up a multinational division to be established with Hungarian headquarters.

Tibor Benkő mentioned that in addition to these agreements, also other agreements have been concluded between the two countries in the past six months.

You can watch the conversation aired on M1 public television channel by clicking here.