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Hungarian General To Be Appointed Deputy Commander of KFOR

Szöveg: |  2015. augusztus 9. 7:03

For a year, a Hungarian general will be deputy commander of KFOR (Kosovo Force), NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. Brig.-Gen. Ferenc Korom is currently Chief of the Operations Directorate of the General Staff.


Brig.-Gen. Ferenc Korom (on the right) presents a NATO medal to the last commander of the Hungarian PRT in Afghanistan

As of October, a Hungarian soldier, Brig.-Gen. Ferenc Korom, Chief of Operations Directorate of the General Staff will be deputy commander of the NATO mission in Kosovo (KFOR) for a year. No Hungarian officer or general has been the second highest-ranking leader a NATO-led operation before. With the other leaders of the mission, Brig.-Gen. Korom will be responsible for 4,500 troops of 18 nations, among them the personnel of the two deployed Hungarian maneuver companies.

Brig.-Gen. Ferenc Korom served with a foreign mission in 1997 for the first time as the commander of the first Hungarian peacekeeping company in Cyprus. Between 2000 and 2004, he served as battalion commander of NATO’s immediate reaction forces. In 2005 he was a member of the NATO Training Mission – Iraq (NTM-I), and in 2009 was appointed commander of the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) in Afghanistan. He completed several tours of duties in Kosovo, last time in 2007 as commander of a Force Protection (FP) battalion.

Photo: archives