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Hungarian–Serbian Military Cooperation in Cyprus

Szöveg: Lt. Ádám Badó |  2011. június 23. 12:22

Since September 2010, Serbian troops have been serving with the contingent of the Hungarian Defence Forces in UNFICYP, the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. In the spirit of cooperation, six Serbian peacekeepers joined the Hungarian 1st rifle platoon, which has resulted in a unique multinational grouping on the lowest level of the UNFICYP force structure. The Hungarian and Serbian personnel carry on executing their tasks professionally.

Last month Maj-Gen. Vidoje Zivkovic, the Deputy Army Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces headed a delegation to Athienou, where the guests were introduced to the structure and task scheme of the platoon, including the jointly executed and the upcoming tasks of the unit. They were shown around Camp Szent István and had the opportunity to learn about the Serbian troops’ living circumstances and accommodation. The integration of the Serbian personnel into the platoon has several advantages, as the Hungarian peacekeepers are now working in a multinational environment where they are supposed to carry out their duties professionally and successfully. Furthermore, this situation offers the Hungarians a good possibility for practicing English on a continuous basis.

The meeting between the Serbian delegation and the Serbian troops on duty was interrupted by a live immediate alert, since the Mobile Force Reserve platoon received a warning order and was called out to an incident scene.


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