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New Commanders in EUFOR

Szöveg: Lt.-Col. Zoltán Vicai |  2017. április 6. 9:00

On 28 March a ceremony was held at the EUFOR HQ in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo for the Change of Command of both the EUFOR Operational Commander and Force Commander positions.

Gen. Sir Adrian Bradshaw handed over to Gen. James Everard as the Operation Commander of EUFOR Althea, whereas Maj.-Gen. Friedrich Schrötter handed over as Commander EUFOR, the Force Commander position to Maj.-Gen. Anton Waldner.


The ceremony was presided over by Chief of Staff EUFOR Brig.-Gen. Albert Sáfár. Also in attendance were several high-ranking political and military leaders, including the EU Special Representative Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, the Chairman of the EU Military Committee Gen. Mikhail Kostarakos, the Director General of the EU Military Staff Lt.-Gen. Luciano Portolano and Chief of the Joint Staff of the armed forces of Bosnia-Herzegovina (AF BiH) Lt.-Gen. Anto Jeleć.


The Hungarian Defence Forces were represented by Maj.-Gen. János Huszár, Commander, HDF Joint Force Command. During the ceremony, he presented the“For the Alliance" medal – awarded by the Minister of Defence of Hungary – to COMEUFOR Maj.-Gen. Friedrich Schrötter for his sustained and devoted efforts in strengthening the alliance and developing the Hungarian–Austrian military-to-military relations.


Photo: EUFOR